Next Generation in Banking

NextGen Day at the Capitol

NextGen Day at the Capitol provides an opportunity for members of Next Generation in Banking to learn about and take part in Missouri’s legislative process by making a Target Banker visit to our state’s Capitol during the legislative session of the Missouri General Assembly. NextGen Day at the Capitol is a great opportunity to learn about the legislative process and get to know your legislators along with your peers from around the state.

The Target Banker Program is MBA’s chief grassroots lobbying tool. As a Target Banker, you’ll be equipped with background information and talking points on a few key banking issues and then proceed to the Capitol to meet with your legislators, accompanied by MBA staff.

These low-key, low-pressure visits are very valuable. Legislators regularly hear from MBA’s legislative staff on issues important to the banking industry, but they prefer to hear directly from you, their constituents. They truly appreciate the effort you make to come to the Capitol during the session. The Target Banker program also helps provide a continuous banking presence at the Capitol throughout the session.


8:30 a.m.  Briefing 
9 a.m.  To the Capitol/Legislative Visits 
Noon  Lunch & Discussion 
2 p.m.  Adjournment 

Legislative FAQs

What exactly is the Target Banker Program? What can I expect if I attend NextGen Day at the Capitol? Get your questions answered!

Legislative Resources

NextGen PAC

Our consistent and purposeful effort to elect pro-banking legislators has had a real impact to ensure a level playing field, a fair regulatory environment and a healthy business climate. More bankers investing in our PACs means greater support for the entire banking industry. Learn More About PAC

Why You Should Get Involved in MBA Advocacy

  • Of 197 representatives and senators, only a handful of state legislators have significant experience in the banking industry.  It’s important they hear from their banker constituents how legislation will affect their local banks and bank customers.
  • More than 1,000 bills were filed as of Jan. 4, the first day of the 2023 session. Hundreds more will follow by the time bill filing closes in March. These measures cover dozens of topics, including taxation, property rights, health care, firearms, sewer districts and everything in between.
  • Missouri's elected officials are getting younger. More than one-third of representatives and senators are under 50. Only two of our statewide officials are older than 50.